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Laser Hair Removal

Explore your options

Choosing a laser machine is an expensive investment, therefore we are here to help you make a well-informed decision, we will link you with trusted NZ suppliers that will help you build revenue in your salon.

Laser Hair Removal

When considering buying a laser for hair removal, you will need to consider your demographic, and which type of device best meets the needs of that client base. This will mean knowing laser science and safety profiles matched to skin type. Some salespeople will tell you that one device can treat all skin types and all hair types, we will tell you the truth and help you navigate to the best, most effective solution so you can just focus on income generation and happy clients, not court cases and consumer law!


Do you need a standalone device, a combined device, or buildable platform? – Let us help you decide what is best for your situation.


Laser Skin Rejuvenation

Getting into skin rejuvenation is an advanced topic, it requires you to not only understand the skin, and skin conditions, but also the laser science that aligns targets to the correct mode of action required to achieve the desired result safely. If you purchase blindly, you will likely have a very expensive machine sitting there that cannot achieve what you had hoped for. So don’t buy a fancy paperweight, speak to us about what you hope to treat, and we will tell you which device is best aligned to deliver exceptional results and help you work to your scope of practice and build your expertise as a truly qualified and safe laser or IPL skin rejuvenation expert.

Diode Laser Skin Rejuvenation

Diode lasers are not just for hair removal, many in the market also deliver exceptional results for skin rejuvenation, however, no two diodes are alike, and not all diodes can do skin rejuvenation. Despite what might be advertised on the sales brochure, you will want to ensure you are investing in a device that can achieve a reduction in fine lines and wrinkles, reduce stretch marks and scarring, and boost collagen for more youthful skin. Let us help you find the right device for your clinic, and build on your reputation rather than have to defend it. Feel 100% confident in what you are doing and relish in the delight of making clients excited about their new look!

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Cold Laser

Relatively new to the NZ market, these lasers are used by many medical fields and are now making an entrance into aesthetics. Let us help you find a reputable supplier who will provide you with quality training and support to make your new treatment a success.

IPL Hair Removal

IPL (intense pulsed light) hair removal is not laser hair removal and vice versa. Getting an IPL device that delivers great and sometimes compatible hair reduction results is a real challenge. Let us guide you to technology that not only delivers the smell of success (that’s when you can smell hairs being eliminated), but you know that the client's skin is kept cool and protected. Getting the right combination of settings controls and wavelength is essential. You don’t know what you don’t know. If you’d rather buy a machine that flashes light and spend your time explaining why your client still needs years of ‘maintenance’ treatments – carry on, ignore us at your own peril.

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IPL Skin Rejuvenation

IPL (intense pulsed light) skin rejuvenation is not laser skin rejuvenation, and vice versa. One is also not better than the other! They work differently, and at different levels in the skin to target skin concerns. If you wish to build your clinic treatment menu to include more advanced results, you will first need to understand what you want to achieve and how this aligns with the best technology required for the job.  Our brokerage consultancy service will take you through a session to help you discover this before you waste money and time on a device that won’t achieve what you hoped for. It is always money well spent!

Carbon Laser

To conduct the back doll facial (aka carbon facial) you will require a certain type of laser. (a Q-switched laser) This type of laser not only is capable of doing this popular beauty treatment, but it can also be used to treat other skin concerns, like pigmentation, and ink removal, however, those treatments require optimal parameters to achieve results, so we will help you ensure that the device you invest in actually builds your practice and offers you a wider range of income sources from the same device, rather than a cheap ‘one trick pony’ that can’t perform other expected treatments. We expect you would also appreciate understanding the dangers involved as an operator.

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Vascular Laser

Nothing more rewarding than shooting a vein and seeing it disappear before your eyes. To achieve this, you need a certain type of laser, and they are not all built equally! There are safety and treatment factors that we can share with you to ensure you are not burning and maiming clients unnecessarily. Be sure to invest in the right type and style of the device right from the start, learn what else this device can be used for to maximise your return on investment, and trust us with finding the best device for your business and client needs.

Diode Laser for Hair Removal

Diodes are manmade lasers (containing electronic components) – as you can appreciate, some parts are manufactured better than others. The diode you invest in will need to be a workhorse and not a gimmick that looks like a quality laser. To the untrained eye, these devices might look similar. So, avoid buying a lemon, trust us to steer you towards quality devices that will deliver great results and give you happy clients!

Diode Laser for Hair Removal Machine
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Fractional & Ablative Laser

These types of lasers are serious business, not only are the treatments they deliver riskier than some skin rejuvenation lasers, but they are also capable of causing great harm in the wrong hands. The flip side is they also can make incredible changes to the skin when used correctly and when you understand the treatment science. If you are looking to add these para-medical lasers to your practice, there are things you need to take into account. Let us find you the right device for your business and help you build and maintain your reputation for excellence in your field.

Tattoo Removal Laser

There are literally hundreds of lasers that are capable of doing some form of laser tattoo removal, however, they are also prolifically pumped out into the market with poor safety ratings, limited or no safety features, and serious limitations on what parameters can be utilised and achieved. There is more to laser tattoo removal success than ‘pointing and shooting’ and wearing cool-looking glasses! If you wanted to buy a car, would you buy it from a fishmonger? Or would you go to an experienced car sales yard with a range of quality and known branded cars?  Exactly what we thought you’d say, so let us know when you are ready, and save yourself stress, time, and money and get this investment right from the beginning of the journey into laser tattoo removal. You might also already know that these lasers can do limited skin rejuvenation treatment too, this is a bonus but only if you understand the dangers of accidental removal of lesions that shouldn’t be treated. (eg: skin cancers) – so let us be your professional educators too and sleep well at night knowing you haven’t removed a lesion that later proved to be a melanoma.

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Fractional Laser

The evolution of fractional lasers is an exciting one, there are many of these types of lasers on the market. Fractional lasers are readily available and sometimes more expensive than they need to be to get the job done.

Why not let us find you the right device or multi-platform that delivers, more than just one type of skin rejuvenation treatment? You will need to understand what can be achieved, how to boost results, and what can be combined with these laser treatments to ensure success all around along with safety. Trust us to find the device for you, which ironically might not end up being a fractional laser!

If you don’t know what you don’t know yet, you don’t know enough to start investing – so get in touch today!

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